New Castle County Volunteer Firefighter's Association

Photo Gallery

9/11 Commemorative Patches for Sale
Thursday, October 21, 2021

The New Castle County Volunteer Firefighters’ Association is selling 9/11 Commemorative Patches for $20 by each of the New Castle County Public Safety Agencies.

The proceeds from the sales are going towards the NCCVFA Scholarship Fund that is being set up to help provide financial assistance for those in the Public Safety Field.

There are 6 patches which includes one that has a spelling error from the following NCC Agencies:

New Castle County 911 Communications

New Castle County Paramedics

New Castle County Police

New Castle County Volunteer Firefighters Association

9/11 NCC Public Safety Agencies Combined Patch

If anyone would like to purchase a set, please contact Treasurer Wally Poppe at [email protected]

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