New Castle County Volunteer Firefighter's Association

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NCCVFA Meeting, January 9, 2020 at Station 17, Five Points
Thursday, January 9, 2020

The NCCVFA held their 1080th Meeting at Station 17, Five Points Fire Company on Thursday, January 9, 2020.

President Jim Watson presiding.  The Ladies Auxiliary of the Five Points Fire Company was acknowledged for a delicious meal.

President Watson presented a $500.00 check from the County Association Firefighters Relief Fund to Chief Brian Shaw and Vice President Dave Roberts of the Minquadale Fire Company for one of their members who had damage to their home due to a fire.

President Watson, Vice Presidents Perillo and Wray gave a synopsis of their monthly reports.

Bylaw Change was presented to change Article 3, Section 5 to remove Trustee from the bylaw and to state for 1 person from a primary company to be one of the 3 Presidents of the Association.  First Reading approved.

Motions were made and approved to submit the following names to the Governors Office for the vacant position for the New Castle County Fire Service on the Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission.  They are as follows: Mark Harris from Claymont, Richard T. Perillo from Brandywine Hundred and Les Warrick from Cranston Heights.

Past Commissioner Chairman Dave Roberts was congratulated for his last 12 years serving on the Commission.

Motion was made and approved to form a 100th Anniversary Committee for 2022.

Motion was made and approved to send the 3 Presidents to the CSFI Dinner in Washington, D.C. in April.

Motion was made and approved to allow the Treasurer to pay the monthly bills for the months that the Association doesn’t meet.

The 2020 Annual Budget was presented and approved.  Motion was made and approved to pay the bills for the month.

Date and place of the next meeting will be on April 9th at Station 18, Good Will

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