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NCCVFA Meeting at Station 25, Talleyville Fire Company
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The monthly meeting of the NCCVFA was held on Thursday, May 15th at Station 25, Talleyville Fire Company. The meeting was called to order by President Wally Poppe and welcomed by President Dan Kiley. Meeting was then recessed for dinner prepared by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Talleyville Fire Company.
Meeting was called back to order and the regular order of business was deviated so the Association could make a couple of presentations. The first presentation was to the Special Olympics Delaware. The New Castle County Fire Service ac ouple months earlier agreed to become a co-sponsor for the Special Olympics Delaware Over the Edge. Each of the four Associations, contributed $500.00 and each of the Fire Companies and Auxiliaries were asked to contribute towards this edeaver also. In all, 14 fire companies, 4 auxiliaries and all 4 associations contributed to over $11,000.00.
A check was presented to Lisa Smith, Event Coordinator and John Miller, State Law Enforcement Director of Special Olympics Delaware, Athlete Matt Montgomery and his mother Eillen. Each Association Presidents, County President Poppe, Ladies Auxiliary President Mary Alice Maichle, Chiefs Eric Haley and Fire Police Ray Streets, along with Fire Company Representatives, Over the Edge Committee Members and Claymont Fire Company Chief Mark Harris and his brother Bill Harris [who were Edgers going over the Edge], along with Christiana Chief Rich Perillo and Delaware City Refinery Fire Inspector Chip Thompson [who could not be in attendance] presented the check on behalf of all the Associations and Fire Companies / Auxiliaries.
Lisa Smith addressed those in attendance about Special Olympics Delaware and Over the Edge and thanked everyone for thier support and is looking forward to working with the NCC Fire Service in the future.
On behlaf of all four Associations, the County, Chiefs, Fire Police and Ladies Auxiliary, President Poppe presented Honorary Membership from each Association to Special Olympic Delaware Athlete Matt Montgomery. Back in November of 2014, Matt addressed the Chiefs and County Association at Mill Creek FIre Company on his involvement with Special Olympics. As the NCC Fire Service is entering into a partnership with Special Olympics Delaware it was decided to have an Ambassador for the Fire Service and Matt was an excellent choice.
Honarary Member Matt Montgomery addressing the members in attendance -