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LANCCVFA Installs 2013-2014 Officers - Holloway Terrace Fire Hall
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
On December 12, 2012, the Ladies Auxiliary of the New Castle County Volunteer Firefighters Association installed the 2013-2014 officers. The officers are President Karen Barlow, 1st Vice President Mary Alice Maichle, 2nd Vice President Karen Gebhart, Secretary Emma Conly, Assistant Secretary Denise Hayes, Treasurer Nancy Morris, Assistant Treasurer Norma Knox. Karen has selected Barbara Rossiter as her Parlimentarian and Catherine Jenkins is serving as the associations Chaplain. A delicious meal was served jointly by the Holloway Terrace fire company and auxiliary membership. Karen's had many family members in attendance to share in this special occassion and her husband, Ed, pinned her. Karen and her officers are very excited to lead our association for the next two years!