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996th Meeting of the NCCVFA - Station 22, Minquadale
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The 996th Meeting of the NCCVFA was held on January 10, 2013 at Station 22, Minquadale. President Dan Carrier called the meeting to order and then recessed for a delicious meal by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Minquadale Fire Company. It was announced by their respective Companies of the passing of Jim Domorod [Five Points] and Dick McCoy [Talleyville]. Chief of Communications Dave Roberts announced his retirement after serving New Castle County for 37 Years and was recognized with a standing applause. 1st Vice President Dan Burris gave the Alternative Funding Committee Report in requesting support for the Committees recommendation. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made and passed to support the Committees recommendation. Past NCCVFA / DVFA President Joe Hojnicki was in attendance and asking several questions. Mr. Hojnicki was in good spirits and looked good. It was good to see him back in action. Update on the 5K Fire Walk / Run was given by Stephen Maichle. DVFA President Charles Boyer advised of the Joint Finance Committee in Legislative Hall on February 7th. Any members attending are requested to be in Class A Uniforms. DVFA Table Officers met with Governor Markell and discussed additional funding for EMS and the Revolving Fund. State Fire Marshall Grover Ingle reported on the fire deaths in 2012 and of the 4 so far in 2013. He also talked of some initiatives for the Fire Service in regards to smoke detectors. President Pridemore of KCVFA and President Reilly of SCVFA greeted the audience and reported on the happenings in each of their Counties. President Perillo [Station 11] reminded everyone that the 17th of January is the deadline to submit your Annual DVFA Pension Information. Motion was made and approved to send another letter in regards to the Move Over Law Video to be shown in the Delaware Welcome Center. Motion was made and approved to provide funding to the 2 members of the Townsend Fire Company from the Fire Relief Fund. Each of them had fires in their homes. Date and Place of the next County Meeting will be at Station 20, Holloway Terrace Fire Company. Special Thanks to DVFA 2nd VP Tony Guzzo for providing the pictures.