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Chiefs Association Meeting - Hosted by Wilmington Manor - Station 22 - Minquadale
Thursday, February 2, 2012
The New Castle County Fire Chiefs Association held their montly meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2012 hosted by the Wilmington Manor Volunteer Fire Company at Station 22, Minquadale.
President Frank Bailey called the meeting to order, thanked the Wilmington Manor Ladies Auxiliary for a delicious meal.
Presentations were given by a Representative from SAFEWARE who talked about the service contracts on the WMD and HazMat Equipment. Matt Keck, Exploring District Executive for the DelMarVa Boy Scout Council and Engine Captain Bill Kiger of the Delaware City Fire Company talked about the Explorer Posts (similiar to the Wilmington Fire Department) starting up within the fire companies. Captain Kiger explained how the Post was set up at Delaware City.
Chief Haley presented the new radio rebanding template to the floor during the Operational Section and it was moved and second to adopt the new template.
A rising vote was given to the host company.