New Castle County Volunteer Firefighter's Association

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997th Meeting of the NCCVFA - Station 20 - Holloway Terrace Fire Company
Thursday, February 14, 2013

The 997th Meeting of the NCCVFA was held on February 14, 2013 at Station 20, Holloway Terrace. President Dan Carrier called the meeting to order. Welcome was given by Vice President Charles Sheridan and the meeting was then recessed for a delicious meal by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Holloway Terrace Fire Company. Standing applause was given to the Ladies Auxiliary. It was announced by their respective Companies of the passing of the following members: Greg Holley [Aetna], Ramon Armstrong Sr. [Delaware City], John Murray [Holloway Terrace], Charles Wallace [Odessa], Joe Hypes [Wilmington Manor], and Wayne Coleman [Belvedere]. DVFA Reverend Hudson gave a prayer in memory of our deceased members. President Carrier deviated from the regular order of business as Past President / Chair of the DVFA Governmental Affairs Committee Bob Sutton went over the presentation that was given to the State Legislators at the Joint Finance Committee Meeting. President Carrier reported on the Officers Meeting with County Executive Tom Gordon. The current funding plan of a 33% increase covering the next 3 years was discussed. The County Executive announced that he would be giving the Fire Service a 5% increase this year. The County Executive asked about the Mil Tax Proposal and discussion followed. The County Executive is willing to have his Chief Administrative Officer Michael Coupe meet with the Officers to discuss funding avenues for the Fire Service. A productive meeting was held with CAO Coupe the following week. President Carrier attended the NCC Council Meeting in which the Council recognized the 10 1st Place Recipients for the State of Delaware Fire Prevention Awards. County Council also recognized retiring 911 Center Chief Dave Roberts for his 37 years of service to New Castle County. For the Congressional Fire Services Caucus [CFSI] President Carrier mentioned that the DVFA is asking all Companies to sign up thru the DVFA, not the CFSI web site. 1st Vice President Dan Burris reported on the dealings that the Volunteer Hose Company is having with Blue Cross / Blue Shield for their Ambulance Billing. They have terminated their contract with them and are working on a resolution to increase their billing returns with them. Vice President Burris will be updating the Association as the progress to an agreement. 2nd Vice President Wally Poppe reported that the Firefighter of the Year information will be sent out this month. Couple changes from last year due to getting the information out late is the cut off will be the August County Meeting at Station 26, Townsend and the presentation at the October Meeting at Station 29, Port Penn. Vice President Poppe also reported that we will be utilizing the website more than in the past to promote the Fire Service of New Castle County. Please submit any information [fund raisers, new apparatus, training events, etc.] to him to post on the County Site. He also reported that step by step instructions for adding information has been sent to all Association Presidents and Secretaries. Treasurer John Smith reported that all dues have been paid. The Audit Review of the Books is done. DVFA 1st Vice President Rich Toulson thanked everyone who showed up at Legislative Hall for the Joint Finance Meeting. Vice President Toulson requested that the fire companies get the new list of Officers to the DVFA and other agencies as some important information needs to get to the new Officers. He reminded that Executive Manager Warren Jones is still meeting with fire companies up and down the State. There is also a new web site out for the State for Recruitment and Retention []. State Chiefs Association 2nd Vice President Stephan Maichle reported that the next meeting will be at Station 75, Ellendale on Thursday, March 28, 2013. He also mentioned that the State Chiefs presented 125th Anniversary Plaques to both Delaware City and Aetna Fire Companies this past month. NCCVFALA President Karen Barlow was in attendance and introduced her Officers that were with her tonight. Fire and Ambulance Advisory Board Chairman Frank Gant announced the next meeting of the NCCFAAB will be at Station 27, Volunteer Hose on Thursday, February 21, 2013. He stated that the FAAB will have representation at all NCC Council Meetings. Impact Fee Chairman Steve Kavanaugh is in attendance and has updated impact fee money balances. Delaware Valley Fire Chiefs Assoc. - Delaware Director Joe Mullen reported that 2nd Vice President Joseph LeVan is under the weather and that the next meeting is on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at the Auburn Volunteer Fire Company in New Jersey. Wilmington Fire Department Chief Anthony Goode was in attendance and once again announced Wilmington Fire Departments commitment to working with the New Castle County Fire Service. Chief Goode also announced that on September 7, 2013 a 9/11 Heroes Run will be held in Wilmington, more information will be made available. State Fire Prevention Commission Chairman Dave Roberts announced that Audits are due. If you are having any issues, please contact the Commissions Office and let them know so this can be documented. Chairman Roberts reported that another full time position for the Commission was received to handle EMS Issues, raises were attained for all DSFS seasonal / casual employees and working on vehicle replacements. The vacant Director position was opened for election. A concern was brought up in regards to Frank Gant being nominated for this position since he is the current Chair of the NCC Fire and Ambulance Advisory Board. There are no current restrictions in the NCCVFA By-Laws or County Ordinance. Frank will seek an Ethics Opinion from New Castle County Government but the floor decided that for the time being to proceed with the election and if there is a conflict, it will be dealt with at the next County Meeting. Ken Pyle nominated Frank Gant, seconded by RG Winnington. There were no other nominees and the Assistant Secretary cast the ballot for Frank Gant for the 1 year Director position. Immediate Past President Charles Sheridan spoke on the importance of each fire company nominating one of their members for the Firefighter of the Year. Date and place of the next meeting is Station 21, Mill Creek Fire Company on March 14, 2013. Benediction was given by DVFA Reverend Bob Hudson.

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