New Castle County Volunteer Firefighter's Association

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Chiefs Association Meeting - Station 16 - Elsmere Fire Company
Thursday, February 7, 2013

The monthly meeting of the New Castle County Fire Chiefs Association was held on February 7, 2013 at Station 16, Elsmere. The meeting was called to order by President John Rudd. The welcome was done by Chief George Giles and the meeting was recessed for a fabulous dinner prepared by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Elsmere Fire Company. Once the meeting was called back to order a standing applause was given to the Elsmere Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary. The New Castle County Ambulance Association then went up to the training room for their meeting. President Rudd called for any Operational Issues and there were none. Committee Reports were given by WMD Committee & HazMat / Decon Team - Joe Leonetti and Special Ops Funding - Wally Poppe. Several Associations and Agencies gave their reports. Some highlights of the reports were: NCC Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Dave Carpenter reported on the recent weather events and about the upcoming drills that will be happening. Talked about the upcoming HazMat Conference on April 5-6 at the DSFS Dover Center. More information will be forth coming. Jamie Bethard, from the DNREC addressed the crowd about the responses and the assistance that DNREC could be requesting from the Fire Companies. President Rudd appointed Chief Ray Barcus Jr. of Townsend to head a committee to work with Jamie. Jasper Lakey advised the group of the great job that was done at the Joint Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday, February 12th at Legislative Hall in Dover. Under the Good of the Association, Wilmington Fire Departments new Fire Chief Anthony Goode addressed the group and introduced his staff that was in attendance, Deputy Chief Michael Donohue and Battalion Chief Michael Schaal. Chief Goode advised that Wilmington will be an active participant / attendee at the monthly meetings. Reverend Wilms gave the Benediction and Deputy Chief Joe Mullen invited everyone to Station 18, Good Will Fire Company for next month’s meeting on Thursday, March 7, 2013.

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